Tülay Kaya Eken

Asst. Prof.
(+90) 216 516 32 51
Contact Information: 

Bogazici University
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute
Department of Geodesy 34680 Cengelkoy-Istanbul/TURKEY
Tel- 0216 5163251   Fax- 0216 3320241
E-mail tulay.kaya@boun.edu.tr
wgs84 41° 3'47.35"N  29° 3'40.06"E


Ph.D.  Earth and Planetary Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (2009-2012).
M.Sc. Geophysics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey (2003-2007).
B.S.   Geophysical Engineering, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey (1996-2000).

Research Interests: 

Investigation of crustal and mantle structures.
Analysis and modeling of Ocean Bottom Electromagnetic and land magnetotelluric data.
Electrical characteristic of the North Anatolian Fault System.
Electrical resistivity – seismicity – deformation relationship.
2d and 3d forward and inverse modeling.
Joint modeling and interpretation of magnetotelluric data with other geophysical data sets


A. Journal Publications (SCI, SCI-Expanded)

A1. Wang, H., Huang, Z., Eken, T., Keleş, D., Kaya-Eken T., Confal, J. M., Erman, C., Yolsal‐Çevikbilen, S., Zhao, D., Taymaz, T., 2020, “Isotropic and Anisotropic P Wave Velocity Structures of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Turkey”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019566. doi: 10.1029/2020JB019566. 

A2. Tulay Kaya, Takafumi Kasaya, S. Bulent Tank, Yasuo Ogawa, M. Kemal Tuncer, Naoto Oshiman, Yoshimori Honkura and Masaki Matsushima, 2013, “Electrical characterization of the North Anatolian Fault Zone underneath the Marmara Sea, Turkey by ocean bottom magnetotellurics”, Geophys. J. Int., 193, 664-677, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt025. 

A3. Karcıoğlu G., S.B. Tank, A. Gürer, E. Tolak-Çiftçi, T. Kaya, M.K. Tunçer, 2013, “Upper Crustal Electrical Resistivity Structures in the Vicinity of the Çatalca Fault, Istanbul, Turkey by Magnetotelluric Data”, Stud. Geophys. Geod, Springer, 57, doi: 10.1007/s11200-011-0228-6.

A4. Tulay Kaya, S. Bülent Tank, M. Kemal Tunçer, I. Igor Rokityansky, Elif Tolak, and Timur Savchenko, 2009, “Asperity along the North Anatolian Fault imaged by magnetotellurics at Düzce, Turkey”, Earth Planets Space, Vol. 61 (No. 7), pp. 871-884.

B. International Conference Proceedings

B1.  Tuna Eken, Haibo Wang, Zhouchuan Huang, Derya Keleş, Tulay Kaya-Eken, Judith M. Confal, Ceyhun Erman, Seda Yolsal-Cevikbilen, Dapeng Zhao, and Tuncay Taymaz. “Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Isotropic and Anisotropic P-wave Velocity Variations Beneath Turkey”, EGU General Assembly, 19-30 April, 2021, Vienna, Austria (virtual PICO presentation (vPICO)).

B2Tülay Kaya Eken, Fatih Bulut, Asli Dogru, and Haluk Özener, "Brittle-ductile transition zone along the North Anatolian Fault from GPS and Magnetotellurics" EGU 2019 Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2019.

B3Fatih Bulut, Asli Dogru, Tülay Kaya Eken, and Haluk Ozener, "Westward decelerating failure of the North Anatolian Fault", EGU 2019 Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2019.

B4. Tülay Kaya, Takafumi Kasaya, Yasuo Ogawa, M. Kemal Tunçer, Yoshimori Honkura, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Weerachai Siripunvaraporn. 3D Electromagnetic Tomography of the Marmara Sea by Magnetotellurics, 23rd EMIW, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 2016.

B5. Ümit Avşar, Tülay Kaya, Gökhan Karcıoğlu, İlyas Çağlar, Yasuo Ogawa. Neotectonics of the Isparta Angle in Turkey by using two and three dimensional magnetotelluric imaging, 23rd EMIW, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 2016.

B6. Tülay Kaya, Takafumi Kasaya, Yasuo Ogawa, M. Kemal Tunçer, S. Bülent Tank, Yoshimori Honkura, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Weerachai Siripunvaraporn. Investigation of the Crustal Structures beneath the Marmara Sea by 3D Magnetotellurics, Crustal Dynamics, Takayama, Japan, July 2016.

B7. Tülay Kaya, Takafumi Kasaya, Yasuo Ogawa, M. Kemal Tunçer, Yoshimori Honkura, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Weerachai Siripunvaraporn. Imaging of Lithospheric Structures and the North Anatolian Fault underneath the Marmara Sea by 3D Magnetotellurics, FaultLab Workshop, Antalya, Turkey, June 2016.

B8. Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, Takafumi Kasaya, M. Kemal Tunçer, Yoshimori Honkura, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, and Weerachai Siripunvaraporn. 3D electromagnetic imaging of the deep structures and North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea, JpGU, Tokyo, Japan, May 2016.

B9. Ozlem Cengiz, Sabri Bülent Tank, Elif Tolak, Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, Yoshimori Honkura, Mustafa Kemal Tunçer, Masaki Matsushima, Naoto Oshiman, Cengiz Celik. Imaging Fluid-Rich Zones by Magnetotelluric Method at South Marmara Region, Turkey, EGU,Vienna, Austria, April 2013.

B10. Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, S. Bülent Tank, Takafumi Kasaya, M. Kemal Tunçer, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, and Yoshimori Honkura. Investigation of the lithospheric structures underneath the Marmara Sea by 3D Magnetotelluric method and imaging westward extension of the North Anatolian Fault, 21st EMIW, Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.

B11. Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, S. Bülent Tank, Takafumi Kasaya, M. Kemal Tunçer, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, and Yoshimori Honkura. 3D Magnetotelluric imaging of the Marmara Sea and westward extension of the North Anatolian Fault, JpGU, Tokyo, Japan, May 2012.

B12. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T.  Kasaya, S.B. Tank, M.K. Tunçer, N. Oshiman, Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Electromagnetic Imaging of Deep Structure and the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea, Geofluid2 workshop, Misasa, Tottori, Japan, March 2012.

B13. Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, Takafumi Kasaya, S. Bülent Tank, Yoshimori Honkura, M. Kemal Tunçer, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Imaging of the Deep Structure and Extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone by Magnetotelluric Method Beneath the Marmara Sea, AGU, San Francisco, USA, December 2011.

B14. Tülay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, S. Bülent Tank, Yoshimori Honkura, M. Kemal Tunçer, Takafumi Kasaya, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Imaging of the North Anatolian Fault Zone by Magnetotelluric Method beneath the Marmara Sea, SGEPSS, Kobe, Japan, October 2011.

B15. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Investigation of Resistivity Structure beneath the Eastern Marmara Sea by 2D Modeling of OBEM data, IUGG, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.

B16. W. Kanda, T. Kasaya, H. Yakiwara, H. Ichihara, T. Hashimoto, T. Koyama, M. Utsugi, Y. Ogawa, S. B. Tank, T. Kaya, S. Boonchaisuk, O. A. Hartkorn, Resistivity structure around the Aira caldera, SW Japan, Inferred from the Magnetotelluric Measurements, IUGG 2011 General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.

B17. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Resistivity Structure Analysis beneath the Eastern Marmara Sea by 2D OBEM Modeling, JpGU, Tokyo, Japan, May 2011.

B18. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, 2D Modeling of OBEM data beneath the eastern Marmara Sea, Conductivity Anomaly Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, February 2011.

B19. Tulay Kaya, Yasuo Ogawa, Takafumi Kasaya,S.Bulent Tank, M.Kemal Tuncer, Naoto Oshiman,Yoshimori. Honkura, Masaki Matsushima,2D Modeling of Ocean Bottom Magnetotelluric data beneath the Marmara Sea, Turkey, SGEPSS, Okinawa, Japan, October 30-November 3, 2010.

B20. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, 2D Ocean Bottom Magnetotelluric modeling beneath the Marmara Sea, Turkey, 20th EMIW, Cairo, Egypt, September 18-24, 2010.

B21. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Preliminary Results from the Ocean Bottom Magnetotelluric modeling beneath the Marmara Sea, JpGU, Tokyo, Japan, May 2010.

B22. T. Kaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya,S.B. Tank, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman,Y. Honkura, M. Matsushima, Modeling ocean bottom MT data at Marmara Sea, Turkey, Conductivity Anomaly Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, February 2010.

B23. 神田径 (Wataru Kanda), 小川康雄 (Yasuo Ogawa), 笠谷貴史 (Takafumi Kasaya), 市原寛 (Hiroshi Ichihara), 八木原寛 (Hiroshi Yakiwara), 橋本武志 (Takeshi Hashimoto), 小山崇夫 (Takao Koyama), Bulent Tank, Tulay Kaya, 宇津木充 (Mitsuru Utsugi), 井上寛之(Hiroyuki Inoue), 園田忠臣 (Tadaomi Sonada), 姶良カルデラおよび周辺における電磁気構造調査(序報) / Structure and electromagnetic survey in the vicinity of Aira caldera (Preliminary Report), Conductivity Anomaly Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.

B24. S.B. Tank, Y. Ogawa, Y. Honkura, M.K. Tuncer, N. Oshiman, M. Matsushima, T. Kaya, E. Tolak, Role of crustal conductors at fault dynamics. A Case study: Armutlu Peninsula, Turkey, Conductivity Anomaly Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.

B25. Tank, S.B., Ogawa Y., Honkura Y., Tuncer M.K., Rokityansky I.I, Kaya T., Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Duzce Fault, Turkey by Magnetotellurics, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2009.

B26. S. Bulent Tank, Yasuo Ogawa, Yoshimori Honkura, M. Kemal Tuncer, Tulay Kaya, Imaging the Electrical Resistivity Structure at the Vicinity of Duzce earthquake, TURKEY, 11th IAGA General Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, August 2009.

B27. Tank, S.B., Ogawa Y., Honkura Y., Tuncer M.K., Kaya T., Matsushima M., Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Electrical Resistivity Structure at the Vicinity of Duzce Earthquake, Turkey, International Earthquake Symposium Kocaeli 2009, Kocaeli, Turkey, 17-19 August 2009.

B28. Bulent Tank, Yasuo Ogawa, Yoshimori Honkura, M.Kemal Tuncer, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Tulay Kaya, Elif Tolak, Imaging the electrical resistivity structure at the vicinity of Duzce earthquake epicenter, Turkey. JpGU Meeting, Chiba, Japan, May, 2009.

B29. S.B. Tank, Y. Ogawa, Y. Honkura, N. Oshiman, M.K. Tuncer, M. Matsushima, E. Tolak, T. Kaya, I. Rokityansky, Imaging the electrical resistivity structure of Duzce Fault, Turkey, Conductivity Anomaly (CA) Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, February 2009.

B30. T. Kaya, S. Bulent Tank, Y. Honkura, Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya, M.Matsushima, M.K. Tuncer, E. Tolak, Imaging of South Marmara Region in Turkey by Magnetotellurics, IAGA WG 1.2. on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth 19th Workshop, Beijing, China, 23-29 October 2008.

B31. Karcıoglu G, Tank B, Gurer A, Tolak E, Kaya T, Tuncer M.K, Investigation of Catalca Fault and Its Vicinity by Magnetotellurics Method,IAGA WG 1.2. on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth 19th Workshop, Beijing, China, 23-29 October 2008.

B32. Y. Ogawa, T. Kasaya, S.B.Tank, M.K. Tuncer, Y. Honkura, T. Kaya, E.Tolak, N.Oshiman, M. Matsushima and S.Nagaoka, Ocean Bottom magnetotelluric Measurements for imaging of the North Anatolian fault Zone at the Marmara Sea, Turkey,IAGA WG 1.2. on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth 19th Workshop, Beijing, China, 23-29 October 2008.

B33. T. Kaya, S. B. Tank, M.K. Tunçer,I. Rokityansky, E. Tolak, T. Savchenko, Magnetotelluric imaging of Düzce fault, Turkey, EGU,Vienna, Austria, April 2007.

B34. Tank, S.B., Tunçer, M.K., Rokityansky, I.I., Kaya, T., Savchenko T.S., “Two-dimensional inverse modeling of magnetotellurics data at Düzce fault”, Turkey, IUGG 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

B35. T. Kaya, S. B. Tank, M.K. Tunçer, I. Rokityansky, E. Tolak, C. Celik,T. Savchenko, Magnetoteluuric imaging of Düzce fault, Turkey, 18th Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, Spain,, 17-23 September 2006.

C. Books


D. National Research Articles (in Turkish)

D1. Fatih Uzunca, S. Bülent Tank, Tülay Kaya, Levent Gülen, 2016, Manyetotellürik Veri Üzerindeki Deniz Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Düzce Bölgesi Örneği, Yerbilimleri, 2016, 37 (3), 285-305.

E. National Conference Proceedings

E1. Tülay Kaya-Eken, Yasuo Ogawa, Takafumi Kasaya, M. Kemal Tunçer, Yoshimori Honkura, Naoto Oshiman, Masaki Matsushima, Weerachai Siripunvaraporn, Marmara Denizi altındaki Litosferin 3B Elektromanyetik Görüntülenmesi, 90 Yılın Ardından İstanbul Üniversitesi’nde Jeofiziğin Serüveni Sempozyumu, Istanbul, Türkiye, Mayıs 2017.

E2. Tülay KAYA, Yasuo OGAWA, S. Bülent TANK, Takafumi KASAYA, M. Kemal TUNÇER, Naoto OSHIMAN, Yoshimori HONKURA, Masaki MATSUSHIMA, Weerachai SIRIPUNVARAPORN, Marmara Denizi altındaki Tektonik Yapıların ve Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu’nun Üç-Boyutlu Manyetotellürik Yöntemle İncelenmesi, 5. Yer Elektrik Çalıştayı, Enez, Edirne, 2014.

E3. Tülay KAYA, S. Bülent TANK, M. Kemal TUNÇER, I. Igor ROKOITYANSKY, Elif TOLAK, Düzce fayının manyetotelürik yöntemle incelenmesi, Manyetotelürik ve Jeoelektrik Çalıstayı ITÜ Maden Fakültesi, Istanbul, Türkiye, 13-14 Kasım 2008.

E4. Gökhan KARCIOGLU, Bülent TANK, Aysan GÜRER, Elif TOLAK, Tülay KAYA, M. Kemal TUNÇER, Çatalca Fayı ve çevresinin manyetotelürik yöntemle arastırılması,Manyetotelürik ve Jeoelektrik Çalıstayı ITÜ Maden Fakültesi, Istanbul, Türkiye, 13-14 Kasım 2008.

E5. Kaya T., Düzce fayının Manyetotellürik yöntemle görüntülenmesi, 17. Uluslararası Jeofizik Kongre ve Sergisi, Ankara, Türkiye, Kasım 2006.

E6. Tülay Kaya,Düzce fayının batı ve doğusundaki elektriksel rezistivite yapılarının karsılastırılması, Manyetotellürik Seminerleri, Bursa, Türkiye,13-14 Haziran 2006.

  • Post-Doctoral Research: Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Inst. (KOERI), Geodesy Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018 – Present.
  • Post-Doctoral Research: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Volcanic Fluid Research Center, Tokyo, Japan, 2015 – 2016.
  • Research Assistant: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 – 2012.
  • Research Assistant: Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Inst. (KOERI), Department of Geophysics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006 – 2009


  • Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in the Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 2013-2018.
  • Fay Zonlarında Elektriksel İletkenliğin Araştırılması (Investigation of Electrical Conductivity in Fault Zones), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (BAP), 2008-2009.
  • İstanbul’un Anadolu Yakası İçin Zemin Sınıflamasına Yönelik Mikrotremor Çalışmaları (Microtremor Studies directed to Soil Classification for the Anatolian Side of Istanbul) (IBB), 2006-2008.
  • Uludağ, Bursa volkanik arazisinin altındaki yerkabuğu yapısının elektromanyetik yöntemler kullanarak incelenmesi (Investigation of Crustal Structure of the Earh beneath the Uludag, Bursa Volcanic Areas using Electromagnetic Methods), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (BAP, 06T201), 2006-2007.
  • Gökova Körfezi (Muğla) aktif faylarında güncel sismik aktivitenin belirlenmesi (Determination of Current Seismic Activity in Active Faults of Gokova  Gulf (Mugla)) (TÜBİTAK, 2006-356), 2006.
  • Electric and Magnetic Studies on Seismogenic Zones (TÜBİTAK, 104Y059 (NASU)), 2005-2007.
  • Resistivity structures and fault activities of the seismic gap at the western part of the North Anatolian Fault, Japan Society for the Promotion of the Science (JSPS), 2007-2009.
  • Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • Member of European Geosciences Union (EGU)
  • Member of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
  • Member of Chambers of Geophysical Engineers in Turkey (JFMO)


  • Japanese government Monbukagakusho (Monbusho) Scholarship, doctoral education (2009-2012).
  • Japanese Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), 2011, Best student presentation award (Aurora Medal).